What Is Couples Therapy?
Couples therapy is a type of psychotherapy in which a therapist with clinical experience working with couples, helps two people involved in an intimate relationship gain insight into their relationship, resolve conflict and improve relationship satisfaction utilizing a variety of therapeutic interventions. Although the practice of couples therapy may vary depending on the therapist’s theoretical orientation, all couples therapy tends to involve the following general elements:
- A focus on a specific problem (i.e. sexual difficulties, Internet addiction, jealousy)
- Active participation on the part of the therapist in treating the relationship itself, rather than each individual separately.
- Solution-focused, change-oriented interventions early on in treatment.
- A clear establishment of treatment objectives.
- Couples therapy will usually begin with some standard interview questions regarding the history of the relationship as well as some exploration into each partner’s family-of-origin, values and cultural background. (The therapist might use the initial sessions for crisis intervention if necessary.)
The couples therapist will then assist the couple in identifying the issue that will be the focus of treatment, establishing treatment goals and planning a structure for treatment. If you are ready to make some new choices, here are the ways you can get from where you are to where you want to be.
Couples therapy can be an essential tool in achieving and maintaining this important balance.
Couples therapy offers a structured environment within which partners can develop a mutual understanding of their history including the patterns of behavior that hinder the development of a satisfying relationship. In addition, partners can explore what motivates them toward or away from emotional and/or physical intimacy. Each partner will also be encouraged to develop an understanding of his/her contribution to the difficulties the they are experiencing.